
1321 S. 2100 E. Salt Lake City, Utah 84108

Monday-Saturday 10-5


A Gallery/Allen+Alan Fine Art is a full service gallery, offering professional art consultation for private and public collections of all sizes. Understanding the importance of how art is presented, we offer exceptional, archival custom picture framing, delivery and installation.

Artist Submissions

A Gallery/Allen+Alan Fine Art reviews submissions on an as needed basis. To submit work for review, send a link to your website with a message explaining why you think you are right for the gallery. Your website must include at least 10 images of current work and a completed resume/cv. We get large numbers of applications. Before applying, please carefully review our current artists to see if your work makes sense at this gallery. Our professional standards are high. Not only must your work fit in, it must fit a niche that has room for expansion.